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International media tour highlights 4th Qingdao Multinationals Summit

2023/10/11 17:26:40

The international media group for the fourth Qingdao Multinationals Summit arrived in Qingdao on October 10th.Mainstream media outlets from Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Portugal, Russia, South Korea, Vietnam, and other countries has conducted interviews and reports onthe summit. During the period, they will also visit such representative places in Qingdao asHisense Group, Tsingtao Beer Museum and Qingdao Port subsequently.

With the theme of“Multinationals and China”, the summit held in Qingdao from October 10th to 12th, focuses on six major topics, including making greater efforts to attract and utilize foreign investment, exploring new practices for multinational companies' development in China, etc. The summit is commited tocreating a more exciting, effective, and influential communication channel and exchange platform.

As a supporting event of the fourth Qingdao Multinationals Summit, thematic activities of“Invest in China Year” andresearch report series “Multinationals in China” will belaunched.


This summit will also hold a series of exchange and promotion activities, such as multinationals symposium, closed-door meeting, and China's policy explanation and project promotion meeting for attracting foreign investment, etc,.

In addition, the theme exhibition "Multinationals and China" is set up, highlighting the cooperation between multinational corporations and Chinese industries in the new era, and showcasing the development achievements, advanced technologies and cooperation intentions of multinational corporations in China.

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