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International students visit Deyi Ranch in Zibo, Shandong

2023/10/9 16:06:25

Deyi Dairy is an industrial project that has been focusing on increasing the income of people in Gaoqing County, Zibo City in recent years, and is known as the "Dairy Cow Town". At present, 4 modern large-scale breeding ranches have been established in Muli Town and other places, with an unified planning of pasture planting bases and organic vegetable bases and over 35,000 dairy cows on hand. It has provided more than 500 jobs for the public, with an average annual salary over 50,000 yuan per person.

During the National Day holiday, several special young tourists came to the second ranch of Deyi Dairy in Muli Town. International students from Cambodia, the Philippines and other countries came to the breeding area. They visited the pasture breeding area, automated production workshop, etc., and took photos together in the equipment workshop. They were amazed by the milking equipment at the dairy base. They said that they has benefited a lot from the visit. The advanced equipment has broadened their horizons. And the environmentally friendly and healthy breeding pattern has deeply impressed them. They hoped that there would be opportunities in the future to visit the place again and they said they would recommend Deyi Milk to their classmates and friends!

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