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China's special envoy: BRICS expansion is of great significance

2023/8/28 11:26:40   source:CGTN

On August 24, the Press Center of the Chinese delegation held a media briefing in Johannesburg, South Africa, and invited Special Envoy on BRICS Affairs and Director-General of the Department of International Economic Affairs of the Foreign Ministry, Li Kexin, to brief the media and take questions from the press.

"From August 22 to 24, President Xi Jinping attended the BRICS Summit, and had an in-depth exchange of views with other BRICS leaders on BRICS cooperation, the international situation, and other important issues," Li said.

Li noted that President Xi profoundly expounded on the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind, the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative, and gave an in-depth explanation of the rich substance of the Chinese modernization drive.

President Xi elaborated on China's positions and propositions on strengthening practical cooperation among BRICS countries in such fields as economy and trade, security, people-to-people and cultural exchanges, and global governance, and put forth a series of specific initiatives on cooperation, charting the course for BRICS development, Li said.

On BRICS cooperation, Li also stressed three points:

First, the expansion is of great historic significance. The expansion demonstrates the determination of BRICS countries to unite and cooperate with fellow developing countries. After expansion, the proportion of the land area of BRICS countries to the world's total will increase from 26 to 32 percent, its combined population from 42 to 47 percent, its economic aggregate from 26 to 29 percent, and its total trade in goods from 18 to 21 percent.

Second, it is necessary to continue to strengthen the BRICS architecture for mutually beneficial cooperation, with political and security cooperation, economic, trade and financial cooperation, and people-to-people and cultural exchanges as the three main drivers, and enhance cooperation among BRICS members, especially cooperation with the six new members.

Third, it is necessary to stay committed to the direction of cooperation between BRICS countries and fellow developing countries as well as the Global South, pursue mutual benefit and win-win results, and safeguard common interests, rather than ganging up to form exclusive groups and engaging in bloc confrontation.

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