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China to deepen cooperation with Uzbekistan, says Xi

2023/5/19 11:26:06   source:CGTN

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday held talks with Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev in Xi'an, northwest China's Shaanxi Province.

Xi noted their joint announcement of the implementation of the vision of a community with a shared future at the bilateral level and the new characterization of bilateral relations last September. He expressed China's readiness to work with Uzbekistan to deepen cooperation across the board and build a China-Uzbekistan community with a shared future.

The Chinese president said China firmly supports Uzbekistan in safeguarding its national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and in following a development path that fits its own national conditions.

Xi called for mutual support and said the two countries should be friends and partners who can depend on each other.

He called for expanding cooperation in investment, economy, trade, energy and healthcare, deepening connectivity construction, and developing people-to-people and poverty reduction exchanges and cooperation.

Both sides should also promote cooperation in countering terrorism and interference to contribute their share to regional security and stability, he said.

The China-Central Asia Summit is a new milestone in the history of China-Central Asia relations and it will open a new chapter for China-Central Asia cooperation, he said.

China is ready to work with Uzbekistan to promote the building of a China-Central Asia mechanism, and build a closer China-Central Asia community with a shared future, said Xi.

Mirziyoyev said Uzbekistan is China's reliable all-weather strategic partner and firmly supports the one-China policy.

Uzbekistan is willing to learn from China's experience in poverty reduction, deepen cooperation across the board, strengthen people-to-people exchanges and implement the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative, he said.

The Uzbek president said his country is willing to work with China to strengthen multilateral coordination, such as a China-Central Asia mechanism, to jointly promote regional security and development.

After the talks, the two heads of state signed a joint statement, approved a plan for the development of the China-Uzbekistan comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era, and witnessed the signing of multiple bilateral documents on investment, poverty reduction, agricultural products' trade, inspection and quarantine, and local cooperation.

(With input from Xinhua)

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