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Protesters march in Taiwan demanding better living conditions

2023/5/4 9:28:59   source:CGTN

Over 200 workers marched in the streets of Taiwan on International Labor Day to protest against the incompetence of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), which, they said, has failed to arrest deteriorating working conditions, improve people's livelihood and guarantee young people's employment.

The protest was organized by the Labor Party and the Labor Rights Association (LRA).

Wu Jung-yuan, chairperson of the Labor Party, pointed out that while the International Labor Day has been observed for 135 years, the situation of workers in Taiwan is deteriorating, and the Taiwan society doesn't give young people prospects and hope.

Luo Mei-wen, founding chairperson of the Labor Party and LRA president, said that Taiwan's democracy is the democracy of the rich and the democracy of the few.

According to the Labor Party, the total amount of money used for arms purchases under the leadership of Tsai Ing-wen is about $58.5 billion, which is a huge burden for people in Taiwan. The party argued that the money should be used to improve people's well-being.

Many other participants voiced their anger against DPP's pro-U.S. policy, saying the deterioration of Taiwan's economic environment is mainly due to DPP's dependence on the U.S. for "Taiwan independence" and its desire to escalate confrontation with the Chinese mainland, which are pushing Taiwan into "war and danger".

"This has seriously damaged the foundation of Taiwan's development and led to serious social security problems," Wu said, adding "the peaceful and stable development of cross-Straits relations is indispensable for Taiwan to improve people's livelihood and create a stable employment environment."

Protesters called on the DPP to put forward reform plans as soon as possible to improve the deteriorating working environment.

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