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Shandong supports quality, balanced development of basic education with 900 million yuan

2021/4/16 11:19:06

Recently, Shandong provincial finance issued a transfer payment of 900 million yuan to support the high-quality and balanced development of basic education in the province.

The funds will be used in three key fields. The first is to support the construction, renovation and expansion of primary and secondary schools in all regions across the province, to further improve school conditions.

The second is to support the pilot projects of strengthening the foundation of education at township-level, the construction of classrooms with resources for special education, the development of primary and secondary schools for ethnic minorities, and the construction of fraternity schools, and to guide all regions across the province to improve the quality of education and teaching.

The third is to support the intensified efforts to construct dormitories for teachers in rural areas at all levels, and promote the completion of the task of building 11,000 dormitories within the year.

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Sponsor:Information Office of Shandong Provincial People’s Government